jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Implementing an EJB as Web Service using jax-ws

Creando un EJB como un Web Service utilizando JAX-WS

  • JBoss 5.0.0.GA 
  • librerias JBoss WS native.

Vamos a copiar las siguientes librerias desde c:\server\jboss-5.0.0.GA\client\ y a c:\server\jboss-5.0.0.GA\lib\endorsed\
  • jbossws-native-jaxrpc.jar
  • jbossws-native-jaxws-ext.jar
  • jbossws-native-saaj.jar
  • jbossws-native-jaxws.jar

Luego, creamos el EJB y le agregamos la anotación @WebService

public class BancoServiceImpl implements BancoService {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private final long SALDO_ESTATICO=1000000;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.gemalto.inlakech.spring.ejb.template.example.BancoService#consultarSaldo(java.lang.String)
public long consultarSaldo(String cuenta){
logger.info("Entering to method with paraemeters[cuenta:"+cuenta+"]");
//TODO here business logic to get REAL balance
logger.info("The current balance for cuenta["+cuenta+"] is ["+SALDO_ESTATICO+"]");

public interface BancoService {

public long consultarSaldo(String cuenta);











    <!-- slf4j dependencies for Logging -->

<!-- logback dependencies -->



Note: Existen dependencias de este POM que no son necesarias.

Y por ultimo, creamos un JAR utilizando mvn clean package y lo copiamos en c:\server\jboss-5.0.0.GA\server\default\deploy\

Para ver que el WS esta deployado correctamente, vamos a:


Para acceder al WSDL, vamos a:


Utilizando el SOAP UI:

Creando un POJO como un Web Service utilizando JAX-WS

Deploying your ejb as webservice is not your only option: you can deploy a POJO as web service as well. In this case you just need to tag@WebService in a plain java class.

Pero para esto, vamos a necesitar armar un WAR y decir que el POJO sera un servlet

When you choose EJB over a POJO for a web service?

JAX-WS 2.0 allows both regular Java classes and stateless EJBs to be exposed as web services. If you
were using J2EE 1.4, you’re probably wondering why you’d use a stateless EJB as a web service. A
look at the code for a POJO and for EJB 3 web services reveals that there are hardly any differences,
with the exception that the EJB 3 web service will have a few extra annotations. A Java class web
service is packaged in a web module whereas an EJB web service is packaged in an EJB-JAR.
Both a Java web service and an EJB web service support dependency injection and lifecycle
methods such as @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy, but you get a few extra benefits from
using EJB 3 web services.

Leer: http://www.mastertheboss.com/jboss-web-services/jboss-web-services-part-1

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