Just to know
- Bare Repository: A remote repository on a server typically does not require a working tree. A Git repository without a working tree is called a bare repository. are used on servers to share changes coming from different developers
- No-bare Repository: Allow you to create new changes through modification of files and to create new versions in the repository
- Always need to initialize a git repository before call any commands
Creating Bare repository (shared/server repository)
- git --bare init
Creating Non-bare repository (local?developer repository)
- git init
Global Configuration (applies to all repositories)
- Configure your user and email for Git
- # configure the user which will be used by Git
- # this should be not an acronym but your full name
- git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
- # configure the email address
- git config --global ""
- Configures Git to push only the active branch ( for older versions )
- # set default so that only the current branch is pushed
- git config --global push.default simple
Adding remote repository
- Inside the non-bare repository type the following command:
- git remote add origin /home/etc/repo.git
- git remote add origin
List the remote repository (in the non bare repository)
- git remote -v
Pushing from the non-bare (developer) repository to bare (shared) repository
- git add .
- git commit -m "init commit"
- git push origin master
master=>the default branch
Cloning from the bare repository to non-bare repository
- Initialize a git non bare repository
- $ git init
- Initialized empty Git repository in /home/Damian Ciocca/clone.git3/.git/
- $ git remote add origin /home/etc/repo.git
- $ git clone /home/Damian\ Ciocca/repo.git/ repo
- Cloning into 'repo'...
- done.
Pulling from the bare repository to non-bare repository
- git pull orifin master
Another commands
- git log
- git status -s
- git remote -v
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